每次在线培训将在 Canvas,我们的在线学习系统. Canvas可以在任何web浏览器中使用 移动应用程序 适用于iOS和Android设备. 在训练开始前几天, 注册人将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含有关如何访问Canvas培训的信息. 内容组织在相关主题的模块中.
- short recorded video lectures with downloadable slides,
- 可访问的 texts delving into the core concepts of the workshop,
- video talks, presentations, or demonstrations from external 专家s,
- additional resources, if you want to dig deeper into topics that interest you.
- 实时视频同步会话 有培训促进者. 我们将现场连线,讨论话题,并参与我们共同工作中出现的问题. These sessions will be recorded for those who cannot join the live conversation. 这些提供了一个相互联系的机会,扩展了我们对材料的知识和理解. The number of live video sessions will vary based on the length of a given training.
除了视频聊天, you can engage with the materials at any time from anywhere with an internet connection.
服务中端专业人士, 高中, and college students in any capacity can benefit from our trainings. 然而, the content is geared towards supporting students who learn differently, 包括那些有学习障碍的人, 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症, 或者是执行功能挑战. Online trainings are designed to fit into the busy schedules of educators, 专业人士, 和父母.
培训s vary in the number of “units” they comprise. A “unit” corresponds to about a week’s worth of material. Getting the most of out of each online training will require about 10小时的投入 每次训练的单位. 一个单元的结构是这样的,参与者应该能够在一周内完成一个“单元”. 然而, 因为我们知道人们的日程安排很忙,可能无法在这个时间框架内完成, material will remain available on the Canvas site for 比广告中的“单位”长度长. 一般来说,它们至少会保持开放 五个星期 从开始日期起.
寻求更短的学习经历? 探索我们的 小时在线研讨会.
While we don’t offer specific CEUs, participants will receive 数字徽章 证明参加了在线培训,并包括所涉及的估计工作时数. These can also be printed out as certificates (and/or we can assist with providing these). For many state education departments and organizations requiring CEUs, 这样的证书通常足以获得CEU信用——但这实际上取决于你所在的州或组织(所以我们建议联系你的代表,看看需要什么)。. We can also provide a letter of completion if needed.